A Biblical Vision, Part II: Mastering the New Testament Witness to Christ

Sess ion 1: Int roduct ion: The Cent ra l i ty of Jesus of Nazareth to the New Tes tament 21

3. Rather, the Bible must be understood Christocentrically (i.e., focused on the person and work of Jesus of Nazareth as the Christ): three basic senses of Christocentric interpretation

a. Sense one : Christ is the theme of both testaments of the Bible.

b. Sense two : Christ is the theme of each of the eight sections of the Bible.

c. Sense three : Christocentric themes and truths can be discovered in every book of the Bible .

4. Sense one : Background on the testaments of the Bible

a. Two “testaments,” which represent “compacts” between God and his people

b. “What the Old Testament says by way of anticipation of Christ, the New Testament says by way of realization in Christ,” Geisler, p. 20.

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