A Biblical Vision, Part II: Mastering the New Testament Witness to Christ


A B i b l i ca l Vi s i on, Par t I I : Mas ter i ng the New Tes tament Wi tnes s to Chr i s t

Christ as the Theme of Both the Old and the New Testaments The Old Testament The New Testament Views Christ by way of anticipation Views Christ by way of realization Incomplete without the New Incomprehensible without the Old Salvation typified and foreshadowed Salvation embodied and realized Promises given Promises fulfilled The New is concealed within it The Old is revealed within it God’s moral precepts given in Law (Matt. 5.17) God’s moral precepts perfected in Christ

Ritual and offices displayed in Temple (Heb. 10.1) Prophecies foretold of Messiah (Micah 5.2) Prefigurations of Messiah seen (Exod. 3)

Rituals and offices incarnated in Jesus (Col. 2.17) Prophecies come to pass in Jesus (Matt. 1.25) The Word Made Flesh appears (John 1.18) God speaks through the Son (Heb. 1.1-3)

God speaks through the prophets

Christ prefigured in shadow and type

Christ embodied in person and work

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5. Sense two : Christ is the theme of the eight sections of the Bible (four in the OT, and four in the NT)

a. The Old Testament sections

(1) The Law: The Foundation laid for Christ

The downward movement of the Jewish nations chosen to provide for the coming Christ

(a) Genesis – the election of God’s people

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