A Biblical Vision, Part II: Mastering the New Testament Witness to Christ
A B i b l i ca l Vi s i on, Par t I I : Mas ter i ng the New Tes tament Wi tnes s to Chr i s t
6. They lived in community around the Mediterranean Sea ( Qumran ) (property held in common, worshiped and studied Scripture together, common meals).
7. Held a dialectic view of the world (i.e., they believed everyone was either “ children of the light ” or “ children of darkness ”)
8. Believed strongly in a two kingdoms kind of theology, expected Messiah to return and destroy the children of darkness and bring victory to the children of the light
D. The Zealots (a group that advocated insurrection and rebellion against the Roman occupation of Israel): Defenders of the Theocracy
1. From the Greek zelot , “zealous one”; NT zelotes
2. Radically opposed to Roman rule on the ground of its interference with “theocracy” (i.e., the rule of God) over the nation of Israel; they were militant nationalists
3. Were loyal to Jewish customs and laws
4. Were apocalyptical in their vision ( apocalypse = unveiling)
a. Were pessimistic about the present age
b. Were not opposed to insurrection and armed rebellion against the occupation of Israel by Roman officials
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