A Compelling Testimony: Maintaining a Disciplined Walk, Christlike Character, and Godly Relationships as God's Servant
A Compe l l i ng Tes t imony
2. Two “books” exist to be studied by the disciplined Christian mind (Foster, Celebration of Discipline , p. 64).
a. Verbal: books, lectures, dialogues, human verbal interactions
b. Non-verbal: the world of nature, the careful observation of events
3. Four steps involved in personal “study” (Foster, Celebration of Discipline , pp. 64-66).
a. Repetition: things channeled regularly in a certain direction
b. Concentration: centering the mind and the attention on what is being studied
c. Comprehension: understanding the subject we are studying at a new and deeper level
d. Reflection: dwelling upon the significance of what we have come to comprehend in our study
4. Case in point: the argument for the death penalty
a. Repetition: researching the facts regarding the nature and facts behind capital punishment in America
b. Concentration: isolating the key issues associated with all positions relative to the death penalty
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