A Sojourner's Quest
PA RT I I : WA L K I NG T H E D A I LY J O U R N E Y / 1 3 7
Even though that great archenemy of our Lord confronts us in the day of fiercest battle, though his army is disciplined and doesn’t break rank, and though these fiends have sworn all hell to our complete destruction, we will not fear. Our King has endured and arisen victorious. Truly, these same adversaries hated our King, and now they hate us because we have allied ourselves to him. We will remain resolute, and the devil’s lies will neither intimidate nor terrorize us. Nothing he says or does can change the blessed fact that Jesus of Nazareth has conquered and now reigns as both Lord and Christ. His kingdom is advancing throughout the earth. He is risen and ascended, crowned at the Father’s right hand, and will return soon to judge the living and the dead. In his name we now claim his land, assert his authority, and prophesy freedom to his people. Truly, we will feast for weeks on the rich spoils of the enemy’s camp, which they fled, terrified upon hearing our approaching ranks! With certainty of our ultimate victory, therefore, we intend to stand – unbowed, undivided, and unafraid. Whatever the opposition, fatigue, or struggle, the anointing of his Spirit will empower us to never flinch, surrender, or recoil. Our backs won’t bow, our knees won’t bend, and our hearts won’t melt. We won’t be put down, ignored, or run off. We are warriors in the Army of the Lord, and we intend to win. This is what we have trained for, and we cherish our code, our discipline, and our corps. We will declare his reign wherever he calls, regardless of time or place. His orders we will follow completely and promptly, and we will fight bravely on behalf of our Captain and his kingdom, however long the siege, whatever cost we pay. By his grace, we will know strength, honor, and sacrifice. What of death, then? We will not fear it, for we have died already – to wasteful lust, cancerous anxieties, petty trifles, little dreams, safe paths, and easy victories. We bear the marks of the King on our shields and in our hearts. O, then, let the trumpeters sound the battle cry, and assemble all the warriors of God. Let us call those who have ears to hear to gird themselves for battle. Let these next days be the noblest and finest of our lives. Let us reject all selfish motive or vain glory in this fight, and resist any temptation for fame or greed. Refusing medals, riches, or
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