A Sojourner's Quest
1 3 8 / A S O J O U R N E R ’ S Q U E S T
applause, let us go forth by grace alone. We now decline painless trials, bloodless battles, and tearless triumphs. Like our Savior, we confess that the prize is obtained only at great price. May we never be entangled in civilian affairs, never enticed by the world’s futile lusts, and not be distracted by tame, demure, and little dreams. Let us be watchful, standing firm in our faith, filled with courage, and strong in the Lord and in the power of his might. The battle is not ours, but the Lord’s, and the victory will be won neither by power nor by might but by his Spirit, says our Lord. So let us set our eyes on the prize before us, our affections on things above, and our feet firmly upon the road whose gate is small and way is narrow. Let us endure hardness as good soldiers of Jesus Christ, fortified with the whole armor of God that we may stand in the evil day. Let us not grow weary in doing good, never be ashamed of the Good News of the Kingdom, and never back down from any fight for justice, however small, for even a cup of cold water given in the name of the King will be remembered and rewarded. Here, today we again affirm our unconditional allegiance to the King, Jesus the Nazarene. Here, today we again make a heartfelt commitment to discipline ourselves for the purpose of godliness, to ignite our holiest passions, and to arm ourselves with a mind to suffer. Let us commit all we are and all we own to this fight, counting it a double honor to serve those who fight alongside us. Let us strive in every way to stir up the gifts that our great Prince has given to us, drawing great courage from his example of perseverance on the Cross. Burn white hot today with the same holy passions felt by those prophets and apostles of old, those who surrendered all they had for God’s best and highest, of whom this world was not worthy. May we, like them, become the very fuel of the flame of God. We are here, we are ready, and we are one. Let nothing deceive or distract us. Let us determine right here and now to do everything in our power to make Jesus King over the entire earth. In the same way our Lord’s zeal consumed him for his Father’s house, may our passion for the advancement of his reign likewise consume us. And, may we give all we are and have to engage the Enemy until this fight is done, the vic’try is completely won, and Christ’s Kingdom banner flies
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