An Authentic Calling: Representing Christ and His Kingdom through the Church


Ses s i on 6: A Ca l l to Ser v i ce

B. Connections to your life

1. What is my reputation for faithfulness, servanthood, and trustworthiness in my family, church, and community? Have I shown and do I now have a mind to serve others, a willingness to sacrifice on behalf of those who have needs?

2. Do I interpret ministry in terms of personal fulfilment or caring for the needs of others?

3. Do I sense the Lord’s burden to use my gifts to shepherd, care for, or provide leadership in the Church? Have I communicated this burden with others?

4. In what areas do I feel most inadequate to pursue a call to special service?

5. Have my leaders given me a green, yellow, or red light when it comes to pursuing greater responsibility and service in the Church?

6. If I am married, does my spouse share my concern and agree with me about pursuing the call to special ministry in the Church? Why or why not?

7. What do I need to receive in order to take the next step toward obeying Jesus’ call on my life to special ministry? Who should I talk to about what I am feeling about my role in service and leadership now?

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