Becoming Like Your Teacher, Second Edition

A pp endi x 3 From Seeker to Sensei: Developing Effective Movement Apprenticeships Rev. Dr. Don L. Davis

A disciple is not above his teacher, but everyone when he is fully trained will be like his teacher. ~ Jesus, Luke 6.40 (ESV)

Seeker : a person or thing that seeks


Sensei : (can be pronounced “Sensai” as well), Sinsang, Sonsaeng, Seonsaeng or Xiansheng is an honorific term shared in Chinese honorifics and Japanese honorifics that is translated as “person born before another” or “one who comes before. ~ Wikipedia

I. The Paradigm of Apprenticeships: Movements, Leaders, and Apprenticeships

A. The Golden Strand: How do movements start, grow, and thrive?


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