Becoming Like Your Teacher, Second Edition
46 • B ecoming L ike Y our T eacher
1. Strand one: The role of the founder: Moses
2. Strand two: The synergy of the “first followers”: Joshua
3. Strand three: The strength of young apprentices in a tradition: Jehu, Gideon, Samson, Samuel
4. The power of tradition: not a dirty word
a. paradosis : the handing down to another the invaluable deposit
b. A mixture of content and loyalty
c. Traditioned innovation (Dr. Alvin Sanders): building on the legacy given, engaging on the situation encountered
B. Why apprenticeships work among movements among the poor
1. They are organic : receiving protection, care, and training from another.
2. They are affordable : they require presence not funds.
3. They are transparent : you learn on the job in the presence of a valid leader.
4. They are reliable : authority is given after verified loyalty and service.
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