Becoming a Community of Disciples

Chapter 5: Spiritual Teachings – Personal Behavior


ThoseWho Make Mistakes in the Oratory (RBen §45) 1 If anyone makes a mistake while reciting a psalm, responsory, antiphon 4 , or lesson and does not make satisfaction there before all by humbling himself, he is to be subjected to greater punishment, 2 for not correcting through humility what he did wrong through negligence. 3 Children, however, are to be whipped for such faults. 1 If a brother is commanded to do hard or impossible things, he should receive the order of his superior with all gentleness and obedience. 2 But if he sees that the measure of his strength is exceeded by the weight of the burden, he is to explain the cause of his incapacity to his superior patiently and at an opportune time, 3 without showing pride, resistance, or contradiction. 4 But if after his explanation the superior persists in his command, the junior must know that this is best for him; 5 and out of love, confident of God’s help, he is to obey. That They Should Obey One Another (RBen §71) 1 Not only is the blessing of obedience to be shown by all to the Abbot; the brothers must also obey one another, 2 knowing that by this path of obedience they go to God. 3 The commands, therefore, of the Abbot or the superiors appointed by him (to which we allow no unofficial orders to be preferred) are to be given precedence. 4 For the rest let all the younger brothers obey their elders with all love and courtesy. 5 Anyone who is found to be quarrelsome is to be corrected. If Impossible Things Are Commanded of a Brother (RBen §68)

4 Antiphon – a one sentence line that comes before and after the psalm.

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