Becoming a Community of Disciples


Becoming a Community of Disciples

6 If anyone is rebuked 5 by the Abbot or by any superior in any way for however small a cause, 7 or if he comes to believe that any superior is angered or perplexed about him, however trivially; 8 he should immediately and without delay cast himself on the ground at his feet, remaining there to do penance until the turmoil is healed by the other’s blessing. 9 But if anyone is too haughty to do this, he should be subjected to corporal punishment: if he remains unyielding, he must be expelled from the monastery. ToWhom Obedience Is Given (RBas §13) Q: Do we owe obedience to everyone and anyone? R: 1 A difference or diversity among those who give orders ought not hinder the obedience to what is proposed, since, for example, Moses did not refuse to hear his father-in-law Jethro, when he gave useful and just counsel (cf. Exod 18:19). 2 But certainly there is no small diversity in the things commanded, for some are seen to be contrary to the commandments of God, 3 others are seen to dissolve the commandment or adulterate it, while others help to fulfill and to build it up. 4 It is therefore necessary to remember the apostolic precept that says: Do not despise prophesyings, but test all things, hold fast to the good, abstain from every semblance of evil (1 Thess 5:20), 5 and again: Purging or demolishing arguments and every high thing exalted against the knowledge of the Lord, taking every thought captive for obedience to Christ (2 Cor 10:4–5). 6 So therefore, if what we have been ordered to do by someone accords with the commandment

5 Rebuked – corrected.

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