Books Jesus Read
Chapter 2: Hasmonean Holiness – Judas Maccabeus
Nicanor has blasphemed your sanctuary. May your judgment be according to his wickedness.” It was the thirteenth day of the month of Adar when the two armies met in battle. Nicanor’s army was crushed and he himself was the first to fall. When Nicanor’s troops saw that their commander was slain, they abandoned their weapons and fled. Judas’ men chased the enemy throughout the hill county of Judea, sounding the battle horns behind them all the way. The people of Judea rallied from their towns to block the enemy’s retreat and turn them back toward the army. In the end, every last man of Nicanor’s army was killed. After plundering the army’s supplies, they brought the body of Nicanor to Jerusalem where they cut off his head and right hand, which he had dared to stretch out against Israel. These were displayed outside the gate of Jerusalem, and the people rejoiced, celebrating their victory. They also appointed an annual celebration feast day for the thirteenth of Adar. And the land of Judah enjoyed a brief rest. 1 Maccabees 8 About this time Judas heard of the fame of Rome—its mighty warriors and its loyalty to all who joined with them in alliance. He learned of their successful conquests, including their defeat of the Galls, forcing them to pay tribute, and their mastery of Spain with its silver and gold mines. By patient planning, the Romans had been able to conquer places far from their borders, receiving tribute from distant corners of the world. 8 They defeated Philip the Macedonian, as well as his son Perseus, when they rose up against them. They withstood Antiochus the Great, when he attacked Rome with 120 battle elephants and
8 As an ally against the Seleucid kingdom, Rome is idealized.
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