Books Jesus Read


Books Jesus Read

a massive army of horsemen and chariots. Taking him alive, they forced him and those who reigned after him to pay taxes and to give up their sons as hostages. They also took over their best colonies in India, Media, and Lydia, and placed them under the rule of King Eumenes. Besides all these, Judas heard many other stories of the Roman conquests, and how they treated their allies with friendship. For all this, so Judas heard, none of the Romans exalted himself by wearing purple or a crown. Instead, a senate of 320 men sat in daily council, ruling on behalf of the people, and governing wisely. Overall rule was granted to one man a year, whom they followed without strife or envy. Judas, therefore, chose as emissaries to Rome, Eupolemus son of John, son of Accos, and Jason, son of Eleazar, to make an alliance of friendship with Rome. He sent them in hopes of gaining Rome’s assistance in lifting the burden of Greek oppression on Israel. After a long journey, the emissaries entered the senate chamber and addressed the Romans as follows: “Judas Maccabeus and his brothers, together with all the Jews greet you, and request an alliance of peace with you, that we might become your friends and allies.” This request was well received by the Romans, who replied by inscribing the following terms of an agreement on brass tablets to send back to Jerusalem for a memorial display: “May success follow the Romans and the Jews by sea and by land forever. May the sword and the enemy be far from them. Should anyone attack Rome or its provinces anywhere in its realm, then shall the Jews rise up wholeheartedly to assist them. Never shall they give aid to Rome’s enemies, whether food, weapons, money, or ships. But they shall

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