Books Jesus Read

Chapter 2: Hasmonean Holiness – Judas Maccabeus


keep their treaty obligations without expecting payment. Likewise, should anyone attack the Jews, then shall Rome rise up wholeheartedly to assist them. They shall not aid the enemies of the Jews with food, weapons, money, or ships. But they shall keep their obligations without deceit. On the basis of these terms do the Romans establish their treaty with the Jews. If both parties agree to add or remove anything from this treaty, it shall be ratified. Regarding the wrongs done by Demetrius to the Jews, we have written to him: ‘Why have you laid such a heavy burden on our friends, the Jews? If they request our help, we will surely come to their aid and fight you by sea and by land.’” 1 Maccabees 9 Demetrius learned that Nicanor and his army had been defeated in battle. He sent Bacchides and Alcimus back to Judea at the head of his best legion. They took the road to Gilgal and came to Mesaloth in Arbela where they killed many people. By the first month of the 152nd year of the kingdom of the Greeks they had reached Jerusalem, where they camped. Judas was away, hiding with three thousand of his best men in Elasa. Leaving the legion behind at Jerusalem, Bacchides and Alcimus led a force of twenty thousand infantry and two thousand horsemen to Berea. When Judas’ men saw the massive forces encamped against them, many grew fearful and ran, leaving only about eight hundred who were willing to fight. Seeing his army melt away in the face of battle, Judas was crushed in spirit, for there was no time to assemble another force. Though shaken, he said to those who had stayed with him, “Let us arise and attack the enemy, for we still have the strength to fight!”

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