Books Jesus Read
Books Jesus Read
Now Trypho also dealt treacherously with young King Antiochus, putting him to death. Intending to reign in his place, he crowned himself king of all Asia, bringing disaster upon the land. Simon, meanwhile, completed the fortifications of Jerusalem and supplied all the fortresses with enough food to withstand a siege. Selecting a few men, Simon sent to Demetrius II requesting exemption from further tribute since Trypho had already spoiled the land. Demetrius replied saying, “I have received the golden crown and the scarlet robe you sent, and am ready to make peace with you. Indeed, I will write to my officers to confirm the following exemptions. The treaties we previously made with you are still enforced. Any fortresses you have built are your own property. If there are any unpaid taxes or tribute, these are forgiven. Whoever among your men is qualified to serve in our forces, let them enlist. So may there be peace between us.” Thus it happened that in the 170th year of the Greek kingdom, the yoke of the Gentiles was lifted from Israel. From this time on their documents and contracts were inscribed, “In the first year of Simon, high priest, governor, and leader of the Jews.” 6 The land of Judah was at rest all the days of Simon, 7 For he sought the good of his nation;
His reign pleased them well, And his glory all their days. Beyond all his honors he made Joppa a harbor, a gateway to the sea islands.
6 1 Macc 13:43–14:3 is omitted. 7 The hymn-poem (1 Macc 14:4–15) describes Simon’s reign as the fulfillment of prophecy.
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