Church Matters: Retrieving the Great Tradition
Chur ch Mat ter s : Ret r i ev i ng the Great Trad i t i on
A Liturgy for the People of God, continued
a request that God would teach us from his Word about the central theme being addressed in the sermon.
Scripture Reading We hear the Word of God read following the Revised Common Lectionary , that orderly compilation for the recitation of Scriptures in worship shared by hundreds of thousands of other believing congregations of Christ. We read a portion from the OT, a section from a Gospel, and a text from the NT. We derive our homily/ sermon text from one of these Lectionary readings, allowing for text substitutions on special days, liturgies, or Ordinary Time, as deemed appropriate for the occasion. The Word Proclaimed A Christ-centered sermon is preached, one which is anchored in Scripture, consistent with the apostolic doctrine, and that challenges us to Christlikeness and kingdom service as God’s people. The Creed Following the sermon, the people stand and recite the Nicene Creed to confess our faith and declare our allegiance to this unique orthodox expression of the apostolic doctrine. The Ministry and Prayers of the People (the Lord’s Prayer) The gifts of the Spirit are operative and members of the congregation are encouraged to share these are directed by the Spirit. (If there is a special day or season of the church year, the worship leader should instruct the people about its meaning.) A time to share requests and pray for each other’s needs using various formats (either small group or congregational), followed with the reciting together of the Lord’s Prayer. Confession of Sin Beginning with the Kyrie Eleison , and in preparation for the Lord’s Table, we take time to reflect on our lives and make personal confession of our sins to God. At the end of the time, the celebrant stands and declares the people forgiven through Christ’s work and on the authority of his Word.
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