Church Matters: Retrieving the Great Tradition
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A Liturgy for the People of God, continued
The Peace The people are given a moment to greet each other. Embraces and words of blessing are common. A central purpose of this time is to offer an opportunity to make things right with our brothers and sisters prior to communion. The Lord’s Table The people of God take the Eucharistic Supper together, using the communion liturgy to remind themselves of God’s saving plan and celebrating with thanksgiving Christ’s redemptive work. (On some occasions, the Eucharist can be followed by special healing prayer for those who have special needs – whether physical, spiritual, or emotional.) We close the communion service with the Doxology in song. Closing Praise and Benediction The Sursum Corda ( Lift Up Your Hearts ) is sung, and the pastor pronounces the benediction on the people. Sending Forth The congregation is exhorted to go forth into the world in the peace of Christ to love, serve, and bear witness to Christ and his Kingdom where they live and work, until we gather again.
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