Classic Program: Starter Facilitator Handbook for Healing Groups
visitors are not allowed and no new participants can join after the group begins. Participants should come to all sessions. If someone has to miss a session, they nother person can go over the material with them before the next meeting. Respect the group by turning off cell phones during sessions and not interrupting people. • If appropriate, conclude with a song, Scripture reading, and prayer.
Learning objectives By the end of this lesson, participants will be able to:
• Begin to make sense of their faith in God and their experience of suffering • Identify cultural beliefs about God and evaluate them in the light of Scripture • Identify false teaching about God that makes suffering more difficult • Explore problems with earthly fathers that keep us from experiencing the love of our heavenly Father. • Begin to experience God’s love in the midst of suffering
Lesson 1 Section Sub points
LG: Read story (5 min)
1. Story (15 min)
SG: Discussion Question: “What is the pastor feeling in his heart about God?” (5 min) LG: Feedback (selective) (5 min) LG: Intro: When we suffer, we try to make sense of our lives. Cultural beliefs may come to mind if our faith is being tested. (2 min) SG: Discussion Question: “What does your culture tell you God is like, especially in times of suffering?” (6 min) LG: Feedback: List qualities on the board in one column. (7 min) SG: Hand out slips of paper with the verse references in Section 2 on them (Romans 8:35–39; 2 Peter 3:9; Psalm 34:18; Genesis 6:5–6; Matthew 9:35–36; 1 John 4:9–10). Have people read the verses out loud and discuss. (5 min)
2. God’s character (25 min)
Classic Program Facilitator Handbook
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