Classic Program: Starter Facilitator Handbook for Healing Groups
Lesson 1 Section Sub points
LG: Write the feedback on the board in the second column. Compare the two lists. Emphasize that this is a tool to use whenever doubts about God’s love arise. (5 min) LG: We are quick to blame God when bad things happen, so discuss this question: “What do the Scriptures tell us about the origin of suffering in the world?” Get feedback. If any of the three main reasons in the book aren’t mentioned, add them. Point out that we often do not know exactly why we are suffering. For example, Job did not know why he was suffering. His friends thought they knew exactly why he was suffering, but they were wrong. (5 min) Evil is evil, but there’s nothing God can’t redeem and he will always get the last word. We can’t explain why God allows us to suffer. Even if we could, it would not take away the pain. It can be helpful, however, to look back on our lives to see how God has used the suffering we’ve experienced in ways that have resulted in at least some good. In 2s: 1. How has God used suffering in your life? 2. Think of a Scripture passage that relates to the way God has used suffering in your life. (8 min) LG: Get feedback on Question 2. Top it up with anything in the book that has not already been mentioned. Read or refer to at least some Scripture passages like 1 Peter 1:6–7, Genesis 50:18–20, and 2 Corinthians 1:3–5. (7 min) LG: Sections A to C: Ask each of these questions and get a response. Then read the Bible passage suggested and discuss how it addresses the issue. What will we think if we are suffering and … • We only hear about God’s anger and never about his love? (1 John 4:9–10) • We are told that suffering means we haven’t done enough to please God? (Eph 2:8-9) • We are told God promises prosperity for everyone who believes? (2 Cor 1:8–10) • We neglect doing things that will help our faith grow strong? (2 Tim 3:14–17) • The church does not speak out against evil? (Luke 4:18– 19) (10 min)
3. The origin of suffering (5 min)
4. God uses suffering (15 min)
5. Why is it difficult to believe? (25 min)
The Lessons
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