Classic Program: Starter Facilitator Handbook for Healing Groups
Lesson 1 Section Sub points
LG: Explain the way a child’s experience with their father affects their experience of God’s love. (3 min)
In 2s: Discussion Question: Think about your own father. As a child, did you experience his love? How does your experience with your earthly father affect your experience with your heavenly Father? (8 min)
LG: Get selective feedback (4 min)
LG: Exercise: Experience God’s Love. Suggested song: “The steadfast love of the Lord.”
Closing exercise (5 min)
Tips Some facilitators choose to cover Section 5, “Why is it difficult to believe?” before Section 4, “God uses suffering.” Choose the option that best suits your group. Do Section 5A as a skit: A person has just experienced trauma (for example, her son died after being seriously injured in a car accident). She is overwhelmed and decides to listen to Christian radio for encouragement. A radio pastor on the first station she finds says, “Do you have sin in your life? God knows—and he punishes sin! Repent before you fall into the hands of an angry God.”The woman says, “Oh, I must have sinned. That’s why this happened! God is angry with me. But what did I do? I don’t know what to confess!” She decides to go to another station, where a radio pastor says, “Jesus said, ‘Fast and pray!’ How much have you prayed today? How much have you fasted this week? How much money have you given to the church? Redouble your efforts and God will be pleased with you. He will answer your prayers.” “Oh,” the woman says. “I have not done enough to please God. I should have prayed for two hours each morning, not just one. I should have fasted two days a week, not just one. And I should have found a way to give more money to the church. Then God would have blessed me. My son would not have died.” She turns the dial once more and hears this: “Hallelujah! If you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you can say to this mountain—move to the sea, and it will be moved. Dear ones, do you have faith ? Move that mountain in your life!” “Oh,” the woman says, “If only I had had more faith, my son would not have died. It’s all my fault!”
Classic Program Facilitator Handbook
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