Classic Program: Starter Facilitator Handbook for Healing Groups
LESSON 5: HELPING SOMEONE WHO HAS BEEN RAPED If possible, before teaching this lesson, find out what medical and legal help is available for rape victims in the area.
Learning objectives By the end of this lesson, participants will be able to:
• Explain the way rape affects a person and their family members • Help people who have experienced rape heal from their trauma • Help communities accept and nurture children born of rape
Lesson 5 Section Sub points
LG: Chose the story most appropriate for your situation and read it. (5 min)
1. Story: Ama or Tamar (20 min)
SG: Ama: Discussion Question 1 & 2: “Why didn’t Ama tell anyone what happened to her?” and “How did she find healing?” Tamar: Discussion Question: “What effects did this rape have on Tamar? On Amnon? On the family?” (8 min) LG: Feedback (selective) (7 min)
LG: Ask the group to define rape. If needed, read the definition. (5 min)
2. What is rape? (5 min)
SG: Divide into a men’s group and a women’s group. Option 1: Have the men discuss the effect of rape on women and women discuss the effect of rape on husbands and children. Option 2: Have each group discuss what they want to say to the other group about rape. (20 min)
3. The effects of rape (30 min)
LG: Feedback, listing the points on a flip chart. Top up with anything not mentioned in Section 3. (10 min)
LG: Discussion Question: Ask what medical and legal help or crisis hotlines are available in their areas for rape victims. If they don’t know, they can make a plan to find out. (5 min)
4. Helping someone who has been raped (15 min)
LG: Cover points B, C, D, and E briefly, reminding them about the listening exercise. (10 min)
Classic Program Facilitator Handbook
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