Classic Program: Starter Facilitator Handbook for Healing Groups

Lesson 4 Section Sub points

SG: Divide into three groups. Give each group a piece of flip chart paper and a marker. One group lists how emotions are affected; the second group lists how children’s bodies are affected; the third lists how behavior is affected. Don’t worry if there is overlap between these categories. Use the child in the story as a reference point. (10 min) LG: Feedback: Get responses from each group. Top up with any missing items from Section 2. (15 min) Option: See the tip below for this section. LG: Cover points A through D briefly. Give examples, if possible. Note: It may not be helpful to reunite the family in cases of domestic abuse. (10 min) SG: Do Discussion Questions 1 and 2: “Traditionally, do parents in your area listen to their children? Do they talk with them? If they do not, why not?” and “How do these practices and beliefs compare with Scripture? Read Mark 10:13–16 and Deuteronomy 6:4–9.” (10 min)

2. Children’s behavior when traumatized (25 min)

3. How can we help traumatized children (40 min)

LG: Feedback. (10 min)

LG: E. Teenagers. Ask what the special needs of teenagers are; top up with info from this section. (5 min)

LG: F. Talking with teachers and G. Serious cases: Cover the points in these sections briefly. (5 min)

Tip For feedback in section 2, draw the outline of a person on a flip chart. As you get feedback from the small groups, fill in the heart with emotions a child who has experienced bad things would feel, fill in the body with ways the child’s body might react when a child experiences bad things, and write behaviors outside of the body. Time-saver Leave out the section on child soldiers unless this is a local problem.

The Lessons


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