Classic Program: Starter Facilitator Handbook for Healing Groups
of God, rejoice, get busy, and so forth. The person is torn between their feelings and the counsel, but eventually goes with the false counselor directly from the crisis to Village 3—but on the way he/she falls down. Explain that the problem with the false bridge is that it does not work. Laments Allow one hour to do laments. Give the orientation to laments found at the end of Lesson 3. Bring out that the only part that must be present in a lament is the complaint. (15 min) Give participants at least 20 minutes to compose their lament. You may wish to play quiet instrumental music in the background. Then give people an opportunity to share their lament in their small groups and/or in the large group. (25 min) LESSON 4: HELPING CHILDREN WHO HAVE EXPERIENCED BAD THINGS Remember: This lesson is about children who have been traumatized, not just about normal parenting.
Learning objectives By the end of this lesson, participants will be able to:
• Identify when problem behaviors in children are due to trauma and loss • Respond to children in ways that help them express their pain in words, in play, in art • Respond to children according to the Bible; if necessary, challenge the way the culture responds to children
Lesson 4 Section Sub points
LG: Read (5 min)
1. Story (20 min)
SG: Discussion Questions 1 & 3: “How did Kasi behave before, during, and after the attack?” and “How do adults usually react to children like Kasi? Do you think these reactions are helpful?” (7 min)
LG: Feedback: Get a few responses for each question and move on. (8 min)
Classic Program Facilitator Handbook
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