Classic Program: Starter Facilitator Handbook for Healing Groups

to meals, she did not finish her food or talk to anyone. After a week, her friend Pauline visited her in her room. (P = Pauline; J = Josephine)

Bad listening P: (Knock on the door, entering room) I came to see why you are so quiet. Things cannot be that bad. J: Well, they are really bad. (Sigh) P: Well, what are you going to do about it ? J: (Shrug of shoulders, head looking down) I don’t know. P: You cannot stay here in your room all the time. Your grades will get bad. J: (Shifting in her chair away from Pauline) I don’t know; I just feel awful . P: You probably just need some help with your studies . Let’s go and study together. First though, let’s make sure we eat dinner. J: (Sitting more slumped in chair) No, I don’t think so. It doesn’t seem worth it to try anymore . I feel like giving up . P: (Becoming a little more dramatic, lifting her arms, standing up) You can’t say that Josephine . We have a God who cares for us and loves us. We need to hope in Him otherwise we are being weak in our faith . Let me pray for you. J: (Has no choice but to let Pauline hold her hands to pray) Okay, though I don’t know if it will help. I have been praying and I have only felt worse. I do not have hope. P: (Prays) Dear God, help Josephine know you care for her. Help her to feel better and to be obedient by focusing more on her school work. Amen. Feel better? J: (Shrug of shoulders) I’m not sure. P: (Gets up to leave) In the morning, with a good night sleep, I am sure you will feel better. See you in class tomorrow. J: (Does not look up) Bye. Good listening P: (Knock on the door, entering room) Hello Josephine, I came to see why you are so quiet and have spent so much time alone in your room. Is there something wrong ? J: They already are bad; I just am not able to concentrate . P: I can help you with that . What do you want to study first?

J: (Sigh, looks up a little) I just have not been feeling well. P: (Sits down and looks at Josephine) What happened ? J: (Looking down) Well, I am not sure what to say.

The Lessons


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