Classic Program: Starter Facilitator Handbook for Healing Groups
P: It’s okay. Begin where you can . I am concerned about you. J: Thank you, but I think I will be okay. P: I’m not so sure. You have been so quiet and missing classes. This is not like you. Tell me what has happened . J: It is hard to talk about. P: What happened first ? J: (Looking up just briefly) Do you remember Dan? P: Yes, he came to visit with the boys from the other boarding school nearby. J: (Becomes more quiet, looks down) P: Something happened during the visit with Dan? J: (Nods her head yes, looks more sad) P: Josephine, I can see that you are upset , you can talk to me. J: (Shakes her head no) I don’t think that I can talk to anyone. It is all my fault . My father—you know he’s a pastor; he will never accept me. There is no hope for me . Facilitator comment: At this point you may be tempted to try to learn more about what has happened. However, Josephine spoke of losing hope. As soon as someone begins to talk about losing hope, not being around anymore, trying to escape or ending their life, focus on assessing the risk for suicide, not on getting more details. Not every one will say, “I have lost all hope” or “I want to end it all,” so if you notice a significant change in behavior, you can ask the person, “Have you lost all hope?” P: What do you mean that there is no hope for you ? J: I think I would rather not be here anymore . My life is ruined . P: What do you mean by ruined ? Have you thought of ending your life ? J: (Sits quietly, nods her head yes) You don’t understand. My family will not accept me . I just found out I’m pregnant. There is no way out . P: Have you thought about how you would end your life ? J: Yes. P: What have you planned ? Facilitator comment: Asking more specific questions helps you learn if the person’s thoughts about suicide have become more than just thoughts. If you learn that the thoughts also include a plan and a way to carry out that plan, there is greater risk for suicide. J: I can overdose by taking pills. P: Do you have the pills here in your room? J: (Nod of the head, yes)
Classic Program Facilitator Handbook
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