Classic Program: Starter Facilitator Handbook for Healing Groups

P: Can you give them to me ? Or can you show me where they are? J: But, you don’t understand . What else can I do? P: (Softly) Josephine, I want to help you figure out what else you can do. I will be here with you. Please show me where the pills are. J: ( Gets the pills and gives them to Pauline. ) P: I would like to stay here with you tonight. Is that okay? I want to make sure that you are safe . J: (Nods her head) Yes. P: Together we will figure out what to do . Can you name one thing that could help you to feel better? J: Knowing that you care and that I am not alone helps. P: I am here for you . After a good night’s sleep we can make a list of other things that we can do to help you feel better. We can also list other people who can help you. Maybe we can find a counselor. Would that be okay? J: I think so. (Softly) LESSON 6C: ADDICTIONS This lesson is included because trauma can lead to addictions, and addictions often cause trauma. Learning objectives By the end of this lesson, participants will be able to: • Understand how people become and stay addicted • Help addicts find hope and healing in Scripture • Respond appropriately to an addict according to the stage they have reached in wanting to recover • Help family members experience well-being, whether or not the addict recovers

Lesson 6C Section Sub points

LG: Read story (5 min)

1. Story (15 min)

SG: Discussion Questions: “What was Martin’s problem? What effect did his problem have on Lilly? On Paul? List some things to which people can be addicted.” (5 min)

LG: Feedback (5 min)

The Lessons


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