Classic Program: Starter Facilitator Handbook for Healing Groups
Skit: Addictions role-play Note: The conversations below are a composite of helpful responses to different stages of recovery. Only rarely would a full conversation happen like this. A = Addict. F = Friend Stage 1: “I don’t really have a problem” (Not ready) F: Hi Joe, how are you? A: Fine. Everything is going okay. F: Really? You look pretty worn out. I heard about the party this weekend. A: That was great! I only remember some of it, but it was fun! F: Joe, I’m concerned about you. It seems like you’ve been doing this every weekend for a while. I think … A: (interrupting) No big deal. Things are fine. See you later? F: Hear me out. I want you to know why I’m concerned about your drinking. I’m scared for how far it’s going—like when you black out. It’s also affecting your work and your family, and I know you care about them. A: Really, there’s nothing to worry about. Bye! A: Nothing really. I mean, this morning I woke up in a strange place and I can’t remember what happened last night. I feel terrible today. It’s kind of scary. F: Yes, that does sound frightening. A: Maybe I need to slow down a bit. Maybe not drink for a little while. F: It’ll be hard, but it sounds like a good idea. How do you think it would help? A: Well, I wouldn’t be hung over every weekend, and I’d be able to get to work on time. I probably wouldn’t have so many fights at home. F: That sounds really positive. And no more blackouts! Remember, I’m here for you. Give me a call anytime you’re tempted to drink.… Stage 3: “I have a problem. I’m stopping” (Ready) F: Joe, how are things? A: Not good. You know I told you I was thinking of slowing down on the drinking? Stage 2: “Maybe I do have a problem” (Getting ready) F: Hey, Joe, how you doing? A: Uh, okay, I guess. F: What’s going on?
The Lessons
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