Classic Program: Starter Facilitator Handbook for Healing Groups

F: Yeah, I remember that. A: Well, I’ve tried slowing down, but it’s not working. I’m out of control. I want to stop now and I need help. F: Thanks for telling me. This sounds really heard, but I want to help. Lets’ go get coffee … Why do you think you started in the first place? A: I don’t know. I was in high school, and my dad left my mom, and I was so angry, and then my friends, well, they drank pretty heavy. F: So last week, what happened when you started drinking again? What was going on? A: It was right after I had a fight with my wife. I was so angry I didn’t know what to do. F: Huh. Maybe you drink when you’re angry and confused? A: You know, that’s true. F: A friend of mine, Sally, got over an addiction. She said that when the craving hit, she waited tenminutes and often it passed. Is there something good you can do when you start wanting a drink? I wonder if we could make a list. A: Okay, well I could go running. Or take a walk. That usually makes me feel good. Or maybe, um, I could call you! I should skip television—all those beer ads! F: That’s a good start! Maybe we can find a support group, too. Would you like to meet Sally? A: Sure. Good idea. That might help. Stage 4: “Oh no! I did it again!” (Falling back) F: (concerned) Hi Joe, are you doing okay? A: I blew it! I was doing so well! Then last night I got in a fight with my wife. I was so upset that I went to the bar and got drunk. I can’t believe it. F: Oh! A: Yeah, and I had stopped drinking for five months! What am I going to do now? F: You know, this is a normal part of recovery. It doesn’t mean it’s over. Today is the next step. Jesus still loves you and is walking with you on this journey. I am too! Time-saver Have half the group discuss Section 5 and half the group discuss Section 6 at the same time. Then come back and do feedback and top-up together.


Classic Program Facilitator Handbook

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