Classic Program: Starter Facilitator Handbook for Healing Groups

Lesson 7 Section Sub points

LG: Feedback from the groups, then top up any more reasons from Section 3 that were not covered. (10 min)

LG: Show a large knife (with sharpening file if possible) and talk about how the tool is of no use if blunt. We need to take time to sharpen it. (5 min) SG: Give each group one of these passages and discuss what it says about caring for ourselves: 1 Kgs 19:3–8 (rest, food); Mark 6:30–32 (retreat); Gal 6:2 (sharing with others); Exod 18:13–23 (delegate); Ps 1:1–3 (draw strength from God’s Word). (7 min)

4. How can caregivers care for themselves? (22 min)

LG: Get feedback and bring out the points in Sections 4A–4D. (7 min)

LG: Present Section 4E (Look after your body). (3 min)

In 2s: Discussion Question 2: “Describe your workload. How can you care for yourself and your family as you care for others?” Make sure each person identifies one practical step they can take in the coming week. Then pray for each other. (10 min)

Closing exercise (15 min)

LG: Feedback (5 min)

Optional exercises

Time permitting, lead the group through one or more of the supplemental exercises to help people relax and increase resilience: Breathing, Tree, or Container (page 68; also at the end of Lesson 2 and Lesson 7 of the HWT 2016 edition).

Tips 1. Start the lessonwith this skit: Have someone play the role of anoverloaded pastor who has too many people coming to him. His wife and children try to get his attention, and he has at least two cell phones that ring. Discuss how the person feels and why a person would get so overloaded. 2. Some editions of the book suggest using a machete. If machetes have been used as weapons of war, use another tool for the visual in Section 4. 3. Ask how many of the participants have taken a vacation in the last twelve months. Discuss how they can do so this year.


Classic Program Facilitator Handbook

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