Classic Program: Starter Facilitator Handbook for Healing Groups

4. As a closing exercise, do this role-play in twos: Have one person ask the other person to take on a new responsibility. The second person practices saying “no” in a clear, but culturally appropriate way.

LESSON 8: TAKING YOUR PAIN TO THE CROSS The Healing the Wounds of Trauma book has detailed information on preparing for this exercise. Learning objectives By the end of this lesson, participants will be able to: • Identify their heart wounds and experience the benefit of sharing them with another person • Understand that Christ died to bring us healing as well as forgiveness • Continue to bring any pain they experience to the cross of Christ • Help others bring their pain to the cross of Christ

Lesson 8 Section Sub points

(1A) LG: Begin with a song or two. Then the facilitator explains what is going to happen. This helps people feel safe. Then talk of Christ taking our pain and suffering as well as our sins on the cross. Read the passages in Section 1 (Matt 8:16–17; Isa 53:3–4; Luke 4:18–19, 20–21). (10 min) LG: Give out pieces of paper and explain that there will be some time for prayerful reflection. Each person can write down the worst pains that come to mind. No one will see the paper. Suggest everyone find a quiet place alone. Tell them you will call them back in 15 minutes. (2 min)

1. Identify the wounds of your heart (50 min)

Time alone (18 min)

(1B) SG: Divide the participants into twos or threes, either letting people choose or assigning the groups. Be sure no one is left out! Have them share as much as they feel comfortable sharing and then pray for each other. (20 min)

The Lessons


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