Classic Program: Starter Facilitator Handbook for Healing Groups
Lesson 10 Section Sub points
3. Living as Christians in the midst of conflict (15 min)
SG: Write the four headings of sections A–D on the board. Ask each small group to take one and find Bible verses that apply to that subject. (8 min)
LG: Feedback. Top up with other materials or verses from the book. (7 min)
Option 1: LG: Do a skit showing true reconciliation, and another showing false reconciliation. Perform it for the large group. (10 min) Option 2: SG: Discuss “How can we help bring reconciliation?” (10 min) Option 3: SG: See Bridge exercise below. LG: Debrief. Bring out the need for us to be a bridge between the groups in conflict; Christ is the one who heals divisions; the need to repent of the sins of our group; and the need to discuss problems openly and find solutions. (5 min)
4. Helping to bring reconciliation (15 min)
Bridge exercise This can be used as a more participatory way to do Section 4: Make an imaginary river in the middle of the room. A group is camped on each side of the river. They are in conflict. In small groups, have participants discuss how to build a bridge between the two groups, and then find something they can use as a symbol for this. Have them explain their symbol as they lay it over the river. Top up with anything in the book that has not been mentioned. Group stereotype exercise In the large group, write the staff’s ethnic group on a sheet of paper taped to the wall or flip chart. Ask the large group to think of some words, both positive and negative, that come to mind with they think of that ethnic group. Write these down. Accept these words without taking offense. Then ask for a volunteer to have their ethnic group go next. (5 min) Then tape papers of four other well-known ethnic groups around the room. Divide the large group into four groups and have each group stand by one of the papers. Have them write three words that come to mind for that ethnic group. After two minutes, have all the groups move to the next paper and continue until all the groups have been to all the stations. (10 min)
The Lessons
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