Classic Program: Starter Facilitator Handbook for Healing Groups
Bring all the lists to the front. Read each list and have the group say if the words are negative or positive. Oftenmost are negative.This shows howmuch prejudice is in our hearts. Put a giant X on each list and ask the group if they are willing to let go of these opinions for the sake of Christ. If we don’t give them up, they can fuel conflict along ethnic lines. (5 min)
Learning objectives By the end of this lesson, participants will be able to: • Show from the Bible that it is wise to prepare for trouble • Help the community prepare physically for trouble • Help the community organize communication channels in case of crisis • Help the community prepare spiritually for trouble
Lesson 11 Section Sub points
LG: Read the story (5 min)
1. Story (15 min)
SG: Discussion Questions 1. Is it right to prepare for future trouble? Can you think of any Scriptures that say we should do this? 2. What troubles might you need to prepare for in your area? (5 min)
LG: Feedback (5 min)
LG: Feedback: Bring out the points made in Section 2. (10 min)
2. Why should we prepare? (10 min)
SG: Discussion Question: “Imagine the following situation: Your family is told that within thirty minutes they must leave to run into the bush. They can only take what they can carry. Make a list of the most important items to take and share this with the whole group.” Adjust the question as needed if “running into the bush” is not appropriate to the context. Keep the idea of fleeing without much notice, taking only what they can carry. (8 min)
3. Practical preparations (20 min)
Classic Program Facilitator Handbook
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