Classic Program: Starter Facilitator Handbook for Healing Groups

Lesson 11 Section Sub points

LG: Feedback from SG discussion above. Ask each group to say one item that has not already been stated. List these on the board. Put less essential items in parenthesis. Discuss what the church needs to prepare—essential documents, etc. Discuss hiding things. (12 min) SG: Discussion Question “Does your community have a plan of what to do if enemy soldiers are approaching or if a natural disaster occurs? If you do, explain it. If you do not, who should be involved in making a plan?” Adapt this to local situations—e.g. terrorist attacks, domestic abuse, different types of disasters, and so on. (8 min)

4. Communication in time of trouble (20 min)

LG: Feedback and top up with anything in Sections A, B, and C not already stated. (12 min)

SG: Give each small group one of the scenarios—A through D. If they seem inappropriate, use topics in Section E and find Scripture references. (12 min) LG: Feedback Have each group share what they have learned. (13 min)

5. Preparing spiritually (25 min)

6. General points (5 min)

LG: Read these aloud together. (5 min)

Tips 1. Unexpected trouble can happen anywhere, so include this lesson if at all possible. 2. If time allows, discuss using local plants to treat illnesses in contexts where pharmacy medicines may not be available in a time of crisis.

The Lessons


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