Classic Program: Starter Facilitator Handbook for Healing Groups


Learning objectives By the end of this lesson, participants will be able to: • Work with partners to organize the response immediately after a disaster • Prepare materials or radio programs that would be helpful • Refresh facilitators’ listening skills • Organize listening sessions with victims immediately after a disaster • Organize healing groups with victims for longer-term care

Lesson 11A Section Sub points

LG: Read story (5 min)

1. Story (15 min)

SG: Discussion Questions 1. List the order in which help was needed in northern Bingola. 
 2. What kinds of emergencies are likely in your area? (5 min)

LG: feedback (5 min)

LG: Discuss and top up. If you have a postcard or flier prepared, go over it with the group. (7 min)

2. Getting organized after a disaster (25 min)

SG: Imagine a disaster just happened in your area. Now: 1. List the partners you work with who you would mobilize after 
a disaster. How can you build relationships to be ready? 

2. What facilitators are in place? 3. What materials are available? 4. How can the response be funded? (10 min)

LG: Feedback (8 min)

LG: 3A Draw out responses from the group. Top up as needed. 3B and 3C: Present from the front. (7 min)

3. Large group meeting (7 min)


Classic Program Facilitator Handbook

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