Conversion & Calling, Student Workbook, SW01

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Let It Be. Let Membership Be.

The Word that calls effectively leads us to salvation and conversion also calls us to live as disciples of Jesus, obedient to his will. It calls us to discipleship, demanding that we love Jesus supremely above all other loves as Lord above all. It asks us to embrace our new identity in Christ as aliens and sojourners in this world, living and representing Jesus as citizens of the Kingdom of God. It beckons us to live as sacrificial servants to his glory, to glorify him in all things as his Spirit leads. This Word also calls us to live and work in community, as members of God’s glorious family in the people of God ( laos ). As members of his people, we are called to live in the freedom of Jesus Christ, fulfilling the Great Commandment and using it to save others for the cause of Christ. Finally, the same Word that calls to discipleship, community, and freedom also calls us to mission. As agents of the Kingdom of God, we are called to fulfill the Great Commission, to do battle with our spiritual enemy the devil, and to demonstrate the life of the Kingdom through our love and good works. In a recent discussion among the elders about the nature of church membership, some of the elders have been arguing for the end of tight standards for membership. Most of the people come because of the solid biblical teaching, deep worship, and excellent spiritual atmosphere of the church. Only about 20% of those who attend ever come to the business meetings, which don’t seem to have much to do with the church’s ongoing life. Others argue that there must be a way we can tell those who are in our church apart from those who aren’t, and membership standards are the easiest way to do that. What position would you take on this? How would you relate your argument to our call to live in community?

Restatement of the Lesson’s Thesis


If you are interested in learning more of what it means to encounter the Word of God that calls us to discipleship, community, freedom, and mission, you ought to give these books a critical read and analysis:

Resources and Bibliographies

Phillips, Keith. The Making of a Disciple . Old Tappan, New Jersey: Revell, 1981.

Scott, Waldron. Bring Forth Justice . Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1980.

Snyder, Howard A. Kingdom, Church, and World: Biblical Themes for Today . Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 1985.

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