Conversion & Calling, Student Workbook, SW01

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The Word of God convicts of sin, righteousness, judgment, and the truth. In regards to sin, the Word teaches that sin is both universal in its scope and corrupting of humankind in its character. In regards to righteousness, the Word of God testifies of God’s perfect righteousness, and his gracious gift of righteousness to believers through the death and righteousness of Jesus Christ. In regards to judgment, God will judge all people according to their deeds. His final judgment will be comprehensive, including Israel and the nations, the Church, Satan and his angels, along with those who died who did not believe in Jesus Christ. Finally, the Word of God convicts us in regards to truth. Jesus Christ is the primary subject of the Scriptures, with God’s kingdom plan through Abraham serving as the backdrop of God’s work. The Word’s truthfulness is grounded upon the ministry of the prophets, Apostles, and Jesus Christ, making our Bible absolutely reliable for all matters of faith and practice.

Restatement of the Lesson’s Thesis

If you are interested in pursuing some of the ideas of The Word that Convicts , you might want to give these books a try: Pinnock, Clark H. Biblical Revelation: Foundation of Christian Theology . Chicago: Moody Press, 1971.

Resources and Bibliographies


Smart, J. D. The Interpretation of Scripture . London: SCM press, 1961.

Young, E. J. Thy Word is Truth . London: Banner of Truth, 1963.

This is where you get an opportunity to explore specific, direct application of the insights of the lesson to your own very real practical ministry situation. The convicting power of the Word of God has application for all of our lives, and perhaps especially has bearing on some aspect of your work in your church, or in your ministry on behalf of your church. To begin with, what about your own life-is the Word of God convicting you of the truth? Is there an area in your life that the truth of God needs a greater and clearer place? Are you understanding the Word of God more and more, and is it producing in you the kinds of attitudes and perspectives it ought? What about those to whom you minister-are they experiencing more and more a greater understanding of the Word of God? Do you need to seek the Lord’s grace for them-do they need a word of conviction in some area of their lives? What in particular is the Holy Spirit suggesting to you in regards to “the Word that convicts,” for you, your family, your church, your ministry? What particular situation comes to mind when you think about how you might trust God for a greater sense of the convicting power of the Scriptures in your life?

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