Conversion & Calling, Student Workbook, SW01

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How Long Will It Take?

Recently, three young men prayed to receive Christ in the park where a group of local skinheads meet. This particular group is deeply committed to racist views about so-called inferior races, but are especially vicious in their views about Blacks and Hispanics. Over the last three weeks, one can notice real changes in the lives of the guys as they have been coming to church and small group, but every now and then, you pick up that there still seems to be some residue of prejudice and racist attitudes in their behavior. Some in the body are skeptical about their conversion, while others defend them, that God is working in their lives and will continue to work as they grow in Christ. What kind of change can we expect in the lives of these young men, and, if it takes time to overcome, about how long will it take for them to overcome the bondage of the past in terms of racial prejudice? In a small group study for new members, a dear sister struggles every week in praying in public. She is shy, and likes to pray alone, but has a real problem praying out loud, in front of others. She is not convinced that prayer out loud is even necessary. “Didn’t Jesus tell us to go to the closet and pray in private? Why is it so important to pray with others out loud, then?” What particular counsel would you give to this sister to help her understand that praying is one of the signs of conversion we should expect from all truly saved people? Is it even necessary for her to learn how to do this publicly? If she continues to refuse to pray, does that suggest she might not be saved? Why or why not? The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the Word that converts. The Spirit of God uses the Word to produce metanoia , that is, repentance from sin and a turning towards God in Jesus Christ. This work also produces faith ( pistis ), which saves, delivers, and rescues the believer from the penalty, power, and presence of sin. The Word of God, once activated by repentance and faith, produces confirming signs of God’s forgiveness and the Holy Spirit’s power in the life of the believer. Inwardly, the signs include the knowledge of God as heavenly Father, a new experience of prayer, an openness to the Word of God, and a willingness to follow the inner leading of Jesus’ voice. Outwardly, the Word creates an identification with the people of God, the display of a new Christlike character and lifestyle, a love for other believers, and a desire to see the lost won to Christ. “I Don’t Feel Comfortable Doing That.”


Restatement of the Lesson’s Thesis

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