Cornerstone Curriculum, Official Certification Edition - Mentor's Guide
M E N T O R N O T E S / 1 4 5
“On this we take our stand, and we also believe and teach that in the Supper we eat and take to ourselves Christ’s body truly and physically.” While [Luther] acknowledged the mystery, he was certain of the fact of Christ’s real corporeal presence inasmuch as he had said when he instituted the Supper, “This is my body.” If Scripture cannot be taken literally here, it cannot be believed anywhere, Luther held, and we are on the way to “the virtual denial of Christ, God, and everything” (Works, XXXVII, 29, 53).
~ M. E. Osterhaven. Quoting Luther in “Lord’s Supper, Views of.” Evangelical Dictionary of Theology. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1984. p. 655.
C h r i s t i a n M i n i s t r y
In these questions, you will find the focus is upon mastering the data and the facts associated with the claims made in the video. Concentrate on ensuring that the students understand the answers in light of the lesson aims. Make certain that you watch the clock here, covering the questions below and those posed by your students, and watch for any tangents which may lead you from rehearsing the critical facts and main points. Make certain that you distinguish between the Church’s response in its worship towards God (worship in terms of its effect ) and the beauty of the Lord and his character and works in Jesus Christ (worship in terms of its cause). Unfortunately, some discussions of worship have become more focused on the ways in which we worship rather than the reasons why we worship . While both are important in understanding the Church’s vocation as a worshiping priesthood of believers, it is imperative that the focus remain on the God whom we worship, and the clear reason why we are a worshiping community. Only when these concepts are reiterated and kept clear can we rightly consider the ways in which we are to approach God. The why of worship must necessarily and understandably precede the what and the how of worship. This statement ought not to be
& 19 page 283 Student Questions and Response
& 20 page 284
Summary of Key Concepts
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