Cornerstone Curriculum, Official Certification Edition - Mentor's Guide

1 4 6 / C O R N E R S T O N E C U R R I C U L U M M E N T O R ’ S G U I D E

understood as an appeal to belittle the significance of discussions about human responses to God. It is, however, to underscore that worship’s significance derives from the understanding that God is worthy of our obeisance and our obedience . Discussions of worship should begin and end in a “theocentric” vein (God-centered) not an “anthropocentric” vein (human-centered one). While there are many individual and personal implications to this teaching on worship, it will be important for you as mentor to help the students retain the corporate nature of the questions and the issues. The tendency to turn the discussion about the Church at worship to “me at worship” is a strong one, and your ability in review and reflection with the students to keep them on the communal implications is important here. These case studies highlight the concern of the nature of worship in our congregations. The need here is to enable your students to understand the general teachings, truths, and principles associated with the Church at worship, and their ability to apply these principles to real-life problems associated with the Church’s worship today. Each of the following case studies can be understood through an array of perspectives and principles covered in this lesson. The aim, of course, is not to give the perfect answer in order to clarify the situation or resolved the problem, but to help the students gain skill in addressing particular existential problems and concerns while keeping specific biblical principles in mind. Armed with the truth of the Word and the experience of Christian history and tradition, the students can use their own experience and understandings to help carve new directions to understanding and address these questions. Help them apply different principles to the situations and see how those principles make clear the underlying questions or concerns which need to be addressed.


& 21 page 285 Student Application and Implications

C h r i s t i a n M i n i s t r y

& 22 page 286 Case Studies

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