Cornerstone Curriculum, Official Certification Edition - Mentor's Guide

1 8 4 / C O R N E R S T O N E C U R R I C U L U M M E N T O R ’ S G U I D E

This section highlights the fundamental truths written in sentence form which the students should have received from this lesson, that is, from the videos and your guided discussion with them. Your aim should be to help your students come to understand the critical principles in proverb form, in a simple, declarative statement that allows them to summarize the material and pass it along to others. The purpose of the study is to get to the “nuggets,” those key principles of truth that they can evaluate, apply, and share in their lives and ministries. It is never a waste of time to make certain that the students are understanding the underlying truths which run through the material. Often, our ability to help our students grapple with these concepts will determine whether or not they are able to use these truths later , in their personal edification, their teaching and preaching, and their discipling of others. So, make sure that these concepts are clearly defined and carefully considered, for their quiz work and exams will be taken from these items directly. While the first part of the lesson concentrates on the need for the students to master the concepts in the material , from this moment on the focus is on helping your students master their own applications in their personal lives . In other words, students need at least two modes of reflection as they go through the lesson. The first mode is intellectual and dialogical, and focuses on their ability to wrestle with difficult concepts to gain a sense of what the Scriptures actually teach on a particular subject. This mode is critical . However, there is another mode, equally important, which has an entirely different focus. This second mode is personal and spiritual, and focuses on their ability to evaluate the meaning of the truths they have learned relative to their own life applications and ministries. This mode is primarily creative . In light of these ideas, it will always be important at some time in the lesson to shift gears, so to speak, and enable the students to begin to think through their own situations with a greater focus and deliberation. The questions in this section are always designed to be “kindling” to ignite their own fires of inquiry, so to speak. What is

& 5 page 433

Summary of Key Concepts


U r b a n M i s s i o n

& 6 page 434 Student Application and Implications

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