Cornerstone Curriculum, Official Certification Edition - Mentor's Guide
M E N T O R N O T E S / 1 8 5
significant here is not that they answer the particular questions written below , but that they engage the concepts in such a way that they turn their attention to their evaluation and application of the issues and themes to their own lives and ministries. In your conversation with your students, seek to help them settle on a cadre of issues, concerns, questions, and ideas that flow directly from their experience, and relate to their lives and ministries. Do not hesitate to spend the majority of time on some question that arose from the video, or some special concern that is especially relevant in their ministry context right now. The goal of this section is for you to enable them to think critically and theologically in regards to their own lives and ministry contexts. Again, the questions below are provided as guides and primers, and ought not to be seen as absolute necessities. Pick and choose among them, or come up with your own. The key is relevance now, to their context and to their questions. The case studies function somewhat like the “contact” sections above, with one major difference. Whereas the Contact section was given to help introduce your students to the ideas and issues covered in the lesson, the Case Studies are actual or probable events designed to help your students show that they can apply the truths in the context of real or probable life situations. Often they are based on true stories, and all the time they reflect the complexity and difficulty of ministering in urban communities. A large part of the case study section is your ability to help the students become wise in their application of the truth to particular situations . Hopefully, your students will be able to apply biblical wisdom to these studies. In general, a three fold approach is helpful: 1. Make sure that the students understand the facts of the situation. 2. After the facts are clear, help your students determine what insights and principles apply to the situation, and how many right answers are possible in the situation.
& 7 page 435 Case Studies
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