Cornerstone Curriculum, Official Certification Edition
4. Acquire and learn to use the proper Bible study tools that will help recreate for you the original situation.
E. Example: the Passover, 1 Corinthians 5.7, 8
III. Step Two: Discover and Draw Out General Principles
A. Why do we need to discover general principles?
1. “Facts are dumb things”: biblical facts require interpretation , and interpretation leads to understanding .
2. Without principles we are left with pieces and no mosaics: we confront thousands of unconnected facts in the Bible.
3. General principles allow us to draw out wisdom from the experience of others: the power of biblical case studies, Prov. 24.30-34.
B i b l i ca l S tud i e s
a. Careful personal observation of a particular situation
b. Reflection and consideration of the meaning of those facts
c. The formation of a principle ( proverb ) that can be applied to a number of different but related situations
4. General principles allow us to predict with accuracy what will occur if certain conditions are met , drawing clear conclusions from universal truth.
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