Cornerstone Curriculum, Official Certification Edition
5. Principles provide us with the big picture underlying particular events , giving us insight into the whole of human experience and God’s spirituality.
B. Why is it hard to draw out general principles from Scripture?
1. Too many facts, stories, and details to process
2. Irony: there are not enough facts to process!
3. Personal reading and devotional habits interfere with our ability to generalize rightly.
4. Most principles : many principles are not explicitly written.
B i b l i ca l S tud i e s
5. Requires labor and time to check our findings against the Word of God for their validity
a. Prov. 8.17
b. Matt. 7.7-8
c. Prov. 9.9
d. Eccles. 7.25
C. Key attitude: thoroughness , Acts 17.11
1. Develop a willingness to search out the Word to find universal truths.
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