Cornerstone Curriculum, Official Certification Edition
Conversion and Calling The Word That Creates
page 69 & 1
Welcome in the strong name of Jesus Christ! After your reading, study, discussion, and application of the materials in this lesson, you will be able to: • Defend the idea that the Holy Scriptures are the Word of God, a written record of the Lord’s own living and eternal Word. • Discuss how continuing in and receiving this implanted Word of God is the true sign of discipleship and authentic adoption into the family of God. As saints of God, we receive the Word of God together in his covenant community. • Demonstrate how the Word reveals the ultimate purpose of the created universe, which is the glorification of Almighty God. • Recite from memory a passage relating to the creative power of the Word of God. The Desirability of the Living Word of God Read Psalm 19.7-11 . If our age is known for anything it is the age of passion. People give themselves to acquire things, to experience pleasures, to attain positions, and to accomplish goals, sometimes making great sacrifices for the things that they desire. Perhaps the saddest tragedy in the lives of millions of people is that they are giving themselves over to things that, in the long run, won’t matter at all. They are living for fleeting pleasures, material possessions, and personal accomplishments that within a hundred years either won’t exist or won’t matter at all. To really live well we must not merely have great passion, but we must direct our passions and desires after the things that will last, and the things that really matter. According to the Word of God, very few things really matter, and therefore, few things are to be desired and sought after. One of the most significant treasures spoken of in Scripture is the very Word of God itself. God declares that his Word, the written Word of the Holy Scriptures, is a treasure that is worthy of our most sincere and concentrated efforts to acquire. Nothing on earth lasts like it; nothing can provide us with the wisdom, insight, hope, and joy that it gives.
Lesson Objectives page 69 & 2
B i b l i ca l S tud i e s
Devotion page 69 & 3
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