Cornerstone Curriculum, Official Certification Edition
The Word of God is a profoundly rich asset, giving light to the eyes, joy to the heart, wisdom to the spirit, and hope to one’s life. The psalmist here makes plain the remarkable desirability of the living Word of God to us. There is nothing that we own or could own that is as valuable and important as God’s Word regarding his Son, his plan, and our hope. In keeping them we are warned, and in clinging to them there is great reward. Are you seeking the Word of God like you seek money, or pleasure, or free time, or great opportunity? Nothing in this world is as valuable or as significant as a deep knowledge of God’s Word. Where is the desire of your heart today? After reciting and/or singing the Nicene Creed (located in the Appendix), pray the following prayers: Eternal God, our Father, we praise you for your desire to reveal yourself to us through your Word. You have blessed us by preserving your gracious promise and pronouncement through the Scriptures, which you inspired by your own Holy Spirit. Now, through that same Spirit, you are teaching us about your Son, and your glorious plan to restore all things in him. How we bless your high and holy name for your living and abiding Word, and we ask that you would grant to us your wisdom as we learn together the power and greatness of your Word. Merciful God, heavenly Father, Thou hast said to us through the mouth of Thy dear Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, “Pray the Lord of the harvest,” Upon this Thy divine command, we pray from our hearts, that Thou wilt give thy Holy Spirit richly to these Thy servants, together with us and all those who are called to serve Thy word. Amen.
Nicene Creed and Prayer page 70 & 4
B i b l i ca l S tud i e s
~ Martin Luther. Devotions and Prayers of Martin Luther . Trans. Andrew Kosten. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1965. p 77.
Scripture Memorization Review
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