Cornerstone Curriculum, Official Certification Edition
A Question of Expertise In general society today it is normal for most people who have professional or personal problems to either handle it on their own, or consult the “experts” – scientists, doctors, counselors, or others who are perceived as the ones who can enable them to overcome their difficulties or solve their problems. What place does the Word of God have today in solving people’s problems? In what ways do you see or fail to see a respect for the teaching of the Word of God in society today? Where Does the Authority Lie? Imagine that a critical issue comes up in the youth group of your local church ministry about pre-marital sex. Many of the kids are being taught in their local high schools that sexual activity is normal and expected, and is fine as long as they take precautions against sexually transmitted diseases and the risk of getting pregnant. The arguments being made in high school are becoming somewhat attractive to some of the students in your youth group, who are wondering just how the standards of an ancient book like the Bible relate to them as young people today. What would you say to those kids who are teetering on the brink of rejecting the authority of Scripture for their lives, those who are becoming more and more persuaded that things are okay if we handle them responsibly and openly? Jesus – Yes; the Bible – No! There are many people who profess a deep allegiance to the person and teaching of Jesus, but have a problem with the truthfulness of the Bible. Jesus taught love, humility, and good will among people; the Bible, however, is filled with odd teachings about angels, demons, and miracles, things which many modern people find hard or impossible to believe. Do you think it is possible to embrace the person of Jesus Christ while, at the same time, calling certain things of the Bible into question? Can you say “Yes!” to Jesus, but a “No!” or “I’m not sure” to many things in the Scriptures? Must you believe everything that the Bible teaches in order to claim a true relationship and faith in Jesus? Why or why not?
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