Cornerstone Curriculum, Official Certification Edition


The Word That Creates

Rev. Dr. Don L. Davis


The Word of God is the means by which the Holy Spirit creates new life in those who believe. Therefore, continuing in and receiving this implanted Word of God is the true sign of discipleship and authentic adoption into the family of God. As saints of God, we receive the Word of God together in his covenant community. Finally, because of the trustworthiness of the Word, it alone can declare to us the ultimate purpose of the created universe, which is the glorification of Almighty God. Our objective for this lesson, The Word That Creates, is to enable you to see that: • God’s Word is infused with God’s very life, and therefore, no spirituality or authentic religion is possible without the life-giving power of the Word of God. God creates new life in believers through his Word, enlightened by the Holy Spirit. • The true sign of discipleship is to abide in and continue in the ongoing reception of the Word of God as spirit and truth. Spiritual maturity is directly connected to hearing and obeying God’s Word in the Church. • Because of its infallible authority, only the Word of God can provide us with the ultimate purpose for the created universe, which is to bring God honor and glory in all things.



B i b l i ca l S tud i e s

I. The Word of God Is Infused with God’s Own Life, and Therefore Creates New Life in Those Who Believe.

Video Outline

A. The Word creates spiritual life in response to belief in the work of Jesus Christ.

1. The Word of God is absolutely primary in creating new spiritual life in the believer.

a. James 1.18

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