Doing Justice and Loving Mercy: Compassion Ministries, Mentor's Guide, MG16

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D O I N G J U S T I C E A N D L O V I N G M E R C Y : C O M P A S S I O N M I N I S T R I E S

This lesson began with an affirmation of two of the critical insights of the Nicene Creed about our service in the world: our God is the true God, the creator of all things, and his Son Jesus Christ is exalted as Lord of all. As an emerging leader in the Church of Jesus Christ you are called to build up the body, which by God’s own design is now the locus (place) of God’s working as well as his agent (ambassador) through whom he works. According to Scripture, God has equipped you with the grace and gifting to fulfill your own unique contribution to the Church as she seeks to demonstrate his love and justice through the proclamation of the Good News and doing good works. As a God of purpose and wisdom, God desires that we use our opportunities and resources to make a real difference in the lives of others, as we serve him in the Church. Your ability to think creatively about the ways in which you might relate these truths to your own life and ministry will deeply affect your fruitfulness. You must strive to find the ways in which the Spirit might want you change, apply, or enhance your own ministry approaches to be more in sync with his truth, his purpose, and his own deep wisdom. What are the particular truths in this lesson which seem to have direct implication for your own ministry? Explore these in meditation, and ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you specifically about the way in which you may need to change your own planning, execution, and review to become a more effective servant of the Gospel in your church. Is there something that God has made known to you specifically about how he might want you to apply this material? Prayerfully seek the Lord on these and related questions, and set aside good time this week to consider how you might become more effective as you apply PWR kinds of planning to your ministry projects and responsibilities. Prayer is a great mystery; our God allows us to participate in his work of transformation and renewal as we lay out before him the needs and opportunities that have come into our lives. God specifically suggests that those who lack wisdom–those needing his insight and direction in a particular matter or direction–need only ask him in faith, and he will liberally give his own wisdom to us (James 1.5). As you have discussed, studied, and pondered these truths, perhaps the Holy Spirit has surfaced some key issues or situations that you need God’s blessing and leading in. Share these areas with your mentor, instructors, and fellow students, and receive his grace through their intercessions and encouragement. Remember, the role of your instructor is to provide you not merely clarification and help as you seek the insight of the Word of God, but also to edify you as spiritual guide and

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