Doing Justice and Loving Mercy: Compassion Ministries, Mentor's Guide, MG16

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D O I N G J U S T I C E A N D L O V I N G M E R C Y : C O M P A S S I O N M I N I S T R I E S

mentor. Never hesitate to set an appointment with the spiritual leaders in your church, especially your pastor, and seek the aid they can provide you as you wrestle with the difficult questions arising from your reflection on this study. God will reward your openness and humility.

James 1.5-8

Scripture Memory

To prepare for class, please visit to find next week’s reading assignment, or ask your mentor.

Reading Assignment

It is important to not get behind in your reading assignments, Scripture memorization, and review of the previous lesson’s notes. So much of a good learning experience is dependent on your ability to set a pace of study that allows you to have plenty of time to meditate, ponder, and pray over the things the Lord, the Spirit, is teaching you. As you have done in previous lessons, make certain that you come to the next class session having completed your reading assignments with a copy of your summary of the reading material for the week. Also, you must have selected the text for your exegetical project, and turned in your proposal for your ministry project. This lesson we focused on the kinds of perspectives and practices that make for effective urban ministry in and through the local church to the urban neighborhood. We reaffirmed God’s role as creator and Jesus’ lordship as the ground of all urban ministry, and affirmed the unique place and responsibility the Church has in using its resources and gifts to advance the Kingdom in the city. As we prepare, work, and review our ministry initiatives in the city, the Holy Spirit may lead us to bear much fruit for God, fruit that remains and displays the glory of the Kingdom of God. In our next and final lesson of this module, we will begin to expand our thinking of doing justice and loving mercy to the very ends of the earth. We will explore the

Other Assignments

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Looking Forward to the Next Lesson

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