Doing Justice and Loving Mercy: Compassion Ministries, Mentor's Guide, MG16

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D O I N G J U S T I C E A N D L O V I N G M E R C Y : C O M P A S S I O N M I N I S T R I E S

5. The local church is the place for charity to begin.

a. The place to organize for change and distribution

b. The place to discern needs and offer support to hurting members

c. The place where the gifts, talents, and resources of the body can be coordinated to meet the member’s needs

d. The place to congregate to renew our commitments to God, one another, and our families together



» Because of the grace of God we have received through the Gospel, the Church of Jesus Christ is called to demonstrate his own justice and mercy within God’s kingdom community and to the world. » As a people called to live forth the rule of God in the city, our first responsibility in showing God’s justice and mercy is in the midst of our churches, charity must begin at home. Please take as much time as you have available to answer these and other questions that the video brought out. We saw how the primary motivation for displaying justice and mercy in the Church and world is the experience of the grace of God through the Gospel of Christ. In the Holy Spirit, we demonstrate the same grace and mercy God gave us as believers in Jesus. The effect of this grace produces discipleship in Christ and generosity and hospitality to others. Review these critical themes covered in your first segment through the questions offered below. 1. According to what Scripture in the Bible, what is the motive behind the Christian impulse to demonstrate justice and mercy to others? From a Christian standpoint, is it possible to truly offer God-honoring service to

Segue 1

Student Questions and Response

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